Hello fashionistas! Welcome to the StyleWeek Fall 2016 Recap. It was an amazing week of shows, friends & fun. Styleweek this year was hosted by Imperial Pearls. Kaleigh was styled by Pakou Lee. Kent Stetson Brand Ambassador Elizabeth was wearing the perfect clutches to match her NYC style. Kaleigh and Elizabeth both won Best Dressed during StyleWeek as well as the Trade Secrets Magazine's Best Dressed Hall of Fame. The runway photography is by Myke Yeager. |
Evolue Apparel
Jeffrey Dickerson
Check out all Jeffrey’s pieces from his latest and past collections at http://www.byjeffreydickerson.com/. Have a romantic italian meal at Trattoria Zooma on Atwells Avenue in Providence. Check out their menu at http://www.trattoriazooma.com/ .
Elan Rose
Susan Troy
Clothes Horse Clothing