Who is ready for new beginnings? I grew and learned a lot about myself this past year.
At the end of 2016 I decided to take a short break from my social media and blog to regroup a little.
I am excited to be back and sharing my style, events I attend, and places I travel to with everyone.
I moved into an apartment by myself, I traveled to many places,
grew in my career, attended killer events during NYFW and bought a dog.
Although living on my own is very expensive, it is also as equally rewarding.
It has helped me grow this year. This year I visited Miami, Niagara Falls,
the Grand Canyon, Vegas, Michigan, and Ohio.
My favorite travel moment has to be the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.
It was pretty epic sitting right next to the pilot.
My biggest PR placement of the year was having our flag bag
worn by Phaedra Parks on the Real Housewives of Atlanta while at the
Democratic National Convention. No cat fights in that scene, score.
The best event I attended during NYFW was the Refinery 29, 29 Rooms VIP Opening Party.
Their interactive exhibit blew my mind. They even featured a virtual reality room
where people designed their own artistic space. I was also invited to the Refinery 29
VIP dinner before hand where we ordered 14 pizzas and sinfully did not eat them all.
I now have an American Eskimo named Nara (which means "happy").
I drove all the way to Michigan on Thanksgiving to get her. It took about 32 hours round trip.
I ended up driving 20 hours straight one day. That is dedication for my fur baby.
Yes I buy clothes for her. Yes she will be in my future photoshoots. Typical blogger right?
I also was invited to speak at URI and help critique the college senior's portfolios.
It was an honor being asked and I love helping people any way I can. I felt that
my teachers were very supportive with me and would recommend the URI fashion TMD program.
This year I also started mentoring a student to help with her Senior project focusing on fashion.
I believe it is important to pay it forward. I had a fantastic mentor growing up that still helps me to this day.
I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for me. All I have planned right now is killing it at my job
and traveling to Europe in March with my best friend. The rest is yet to be written.